Self care is important in self improvementWhy Self-Care Should be Part of Your Financial Plan

Why Self-Care Should Be Part of Your Financial Plan

By halfwealth September 24, 2023 18 Min Read

Welcome to a comprehensive approach to financial planning that places self-care at its core. In this article, we’ll delve into the undeniable link between self-care, financial health, and self-improvement. It’s more than just managing money; it’s about nurturing yourself. Because what’s the use of financial success without prioritizing your well-being in your Financial Plan and Self-Improvement journey?

The Connection Between Self-Care and Financial Health

An old man and a woman is doing financial work by staying healthy

You might be wondering how taking care of yourself can actually have anything to do with your money situation. Well, it’s more connected than you might realize. See, when we talk about being financially healthy, it’s not just about the numbers in your bank account. It’s also about how you feel and think about money.
Think about it like this: Have you ever felt really stressed about money? You’re not alone. A study by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that money is a big source of stress for a lot of people in the U.S. It’s one of the things that stress us out the most. Now, when you’re all stressed about money, it can be tough to make smart money choices. Stress often makes us do things like spending too much, borrowing too much, or forgetting about our long-term money goals. So, taking care of your emotional well-being is actually a big part of being good with your money.

Self-Care as an Investment

Think of self-care like planting seeds in your own garden. Just like you put money into stocks or savings for the future, taking time for self-care is an investment in yourself that pays off over time.
Self-care means doing things that make your mind, heart, and body feel good. This can include things like exercising, meditating, spending time with people you care about, or doing hobbies you love.
Studies from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center show that when you take care of yourself, it helps lower stress and keeps you healthy overall. When you’re in good mental and physical shape, you make smarter choices with your money. You’re more likely to stick to a budget, plan for your future, and not spend money impulsively. So, taking care of yourself is like giving yourself a superpower for making better financial decisions.

Stress Management and Financial Decision-Making

Self improvement helps you manage stress

Imagine a day at work when everything seems to go wrong, and you feel really stressed out. When you finally get home, you might try to make yourself feel better by shopping online. You end up buying things you didn’t plan to buy. This happens to a lot of people.
Here’s why: When you’re stressed, your brain goes into a mode that’s like “fight or flight.” It’s a survival instinct. But in modern life, this can lead to not-so-great money choices.
A report from the American Psychological Association says that when people are super stressed, about one-third of them do things like eating too much or drinking too much to cope. These behaviors can hurt your money situation in the long run. So, finding ways to manage stress can actually help you make better financial decisions and keep your money in good shape.

Self-Care Practices for Financial Well-Being

Do exercise for self-improvement and self care

Now that we know why looking after yourself is connected to having good money, let’s talk about some easy things you can do to make both your mind and your wallet happy.

1. Budgeting as Self-Care:

Think of making a budget like drawing a treasure map just for yourself. It’s like giving yourself a helpful pat on the back. This map shows you where your money is going and takes away the worry of not knowing. When you can see where your money is going, it’s easier to make smart choices and feel less stressed about your finances.

2. Mindfulness Meditation:

Think of mindfulness meditation as a secret to staying calm and really concentrating on what’s happening right now. It’s like having a special power that stops you from making fast money choices when you’re all stressed or worried. This superpower is like a shield that protects your wallet from bad decisions.

3. Physical Health:

Taking care of your body isn’t only good for feeling strong and healthy; it’s also like putting some extra cash in your pocket. See, when you’re healthy, you don’t have to go to the doctor as much or buy lots of medicine. It’s like having a money-saving superpower.

4. Time Management:

Imagine time management as your special gift to yourself. When you use your time wisely, it’s like unwrapping a present that helps you get better with money. You can use this gift to learn more about money and even discover ways to make more of it.

5. Financial Education:

Think of learning about money as having a magical map. The more you understand, the more clues you have to make good choices. So, when you spend time learning about money, it’s like you’re making yourself more valuable.
These self-care practices not only make you feel better but also help you make smarter choices with your money. So, taking care of yourself is like taking care of your wallet too.

Case Studies: Self-Care Transforming Financial Lives

Let’s hear about some real people who improved their money situations by taking better care of themselves:

Story 1: Sarah’s Debt-Free Journey

Meet Sarah. She had a big problem – a lot of credit card debt. Plus, all that debt was making her really stressed out, which wasn’t good for her health. So, she decided to do something about it.
Sarah started taking care of herself by doing simple things like going for walks and meditating. She also made a budget to keep track of her money. Over time, guess what happened? She paid off all that debt and even started saving money. She felt much better about her finances and her life.

Story 2: John’s Investment in Health

Now, let’s talk about John. He was a busy guy with a demanding job. But he realized that he was ignoring his health and it was hurting his career and money situation.
So, John started taking better care of himself. He began to exercise regularly and made sure to relax too. As he did this, he found that he was less stressed, and his mind got clearer. This led to some smart moves in his career that helped him earn more money.
These real stories show that when people take care of themselves, it can make a big difference in their finances too. So, self-care isn’t just about feeling good; it’s also about having a healthy wallet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q1: Can self-care really make a difference in my finances?

Absolutely. Self-care isn’t just about feeling good; it can boost your financial well-being too. When you manage stress, focus on your health, and work on self-improvement, you’re more likely to make smart money choices. Less stress often leads to better financial decisions.

Q2: What are some easy self-care practices I can start right now?

You can begin with simple steps like taking short breaks to clear your mind, practicing gratitude by listing things you’re thankful for, and spending quality time with loved ones. These small actions can improve your overall well-being without costing much.

Q3: How can I include self-care in my budget without breaking the bank?

You don’t have to spend a fortune on self-care. Allocate a part of your budget to activities that make you feel good and promote well-being. This could include free or low-cost options like taking leisurely walks, enjoying nature, or exploring free community events.

Q4: Is self-care only about relaxation, or does it cover other areas too?

Self-care is all-encompassing. It’s not just about relaxation; it includes taking care of your physical health, mental well-being, and personal growth. So, it’s like nurturing every aspect of yourself to live a happier and more balanced life.

Q5: Can mindfulness meditation really help with money matters?

Yes, indeed. Mindfulness meditation is a powerful tool. It can help you handle stress better, reduce impulsive spending, and make more thoughtful financial choices. Plus, it can improve your focus and productivity, potentially leading to increased income over time.


Including self-care in your financial plan is like taking care of your best friend – it’s not something extra; it’s something you really need. It’s because there’s a big connection between how you feel and how your money is doing.
When you reduce stress, keep yourself healthy, and spend time getting better at things, you’re not just making life nicer; you’re also making your money situation better. So, think of it as a journey where you’re looking out for yourself, and self-care is your trusty companion, guiding you toward financial well-being. It’s not just about reaching the end; it’s about enjoying the ride, and self-care makes that ride a lot smoother.